Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Sweetest Goodbyes

FYI: this was supposed to be posted on 4/21 - better late than never!

Flowers and Vineyards, what more could a girl ask for in a weekend!?  Oh yeah, vino all dayo - which is totally acceptable, and I quote; "Wine, beer and pure spirits contain minimal fructose. this is because the fructose in the fruit used is converted into alcohol. The drier the wine, the better.... One or two drinks maximum in one sitting is best." The only sugar consumed was during the pairings portion of the day; chocolate, berries, and honey glazes. Truthfully, I was worried this would lead to a relapse aka Sunday morning cinnamon sugar bagel paired with a chia tea latte and a shot of vanilla - but to my surprise I woke up and had no sugar cravings, which I considered an accomplishment.  In the old days (read: March) I would reward myself with a cheat day which always became a cheat week etc etc. Old habits die hard, in that moment I actually debated with myself weather I should go and reward myself with the treat for not craving (ummmm? no.)  Instead of going to Bruegger's Bagels I went to my closet and removed the dress (HYPERLINK) and hung it on a bookshelf in my bedroom so it would be the first thing I would see coming or going. That really helped me visualize the goal, the reward. That dress was basically my Heisman Trophy, as we all know the Heisman is awarded to:
      "the most outstanding player in college football in the United States whose performance best                exhibits the pursuit of excellence with integrity. Winners epitomize great ability combined with          diligence, perseverance, and hard work." 

Football schmootball, if you want to see a determined individual who is in the pursuit of excellence look at everyone saying no to sugar #dedication. A challenge I pass along is to find your own Heisman. Remember a reward does not have to cost a dime - hint, look in your closet. It is that outfit you skip every time you skim your outfit choices because it does not fit or because you wish it fit better. Pull it out, try it on and notice the areas that make you uncomfortable (I took pictures to remind myself) then hang the outfit in clear view. Over the next few weeks of diet changes try it on several times and you will begin to notice subtle differences; it may zip an extra 1/2 inch, you can finally put hair up without cranking your body so you do not rip a shirt, I noticed that my shift dresses hung more-so than clung. I have this glorious silk print shirt that has never been comfortable, but its glorious so of course I wear it, after 21 days I was able to wear it and move my arms enough so that I could put my hair up (someone out there knows what I am talking about - arms too tight to raise up above hip level) Removing sugar from your diet means these changes are 100% happening. I did not change my workout routine I only altered my eating habits. I am happier than I have ever been without sugar, who woulda thunk!?

Laughter always helps when dealing with a reality you rather not face... #BreakUpNote

Oh, where do I begin? Honey, you are the greatest. You're more than great, you are delicious. We have been a part of each others lives for 20 years. Together we have had some good times, breakfast biscuits at Grand's house, in London when we met for every single cup of tea, oh remember last year when we went out with peanut butter and cinnamon raisin bagels all. of. the. time... good times good times. But I cannot be the person I am meant to be when you are around. We both know it and have been avoiding this moment, but the time has come. It's not you, its me. We need to breakup.

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