Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Sweetest Goodbyes

FYI: this was supposed to be posted on 4/21 - better late than never!

Flowers and Vineyards, what more could a girl ask for in a weekend!?  Oh yeah, vino all dayo - which is totally acceptable, and I quote; "Wine, beer and pure spirits contain minimal fructose. this is because the fructose in the fruit used is converted into alcohol. The drier the wine, the better.... One or two drinks maximum in one sitting is best." The only sugar consumed was during the pairings portion of the day; chocolate, berries, and honey glazes. Truthfully, I was worried this would lead to a relapse aka Sunday morning cinnamon sugar bagel paired with a chia tea latte and a shot of vanilla - but to my surprise I woke up and had no sugar cravings, which I considered an accomplishment.  In the old days (read: March) I would reward myself with a cheat day which always became a cheat week etc etc. Old habits die hard, in that moment I actually debated with myself weather I should go and reward myself with the treat for not craving (ummmm? no.)  Instead of going to Bruegger's Bagels I went to my closet and removed the dress (HYPERLINK) and hung it on a bookshelf in my bedroom so it would be the first thing I would see coming or going. That really helped me visualize the goal, the reward. That dress was basically my Heisman Trophy, as we all know the Heisman is awarded to:
      "the most outstanding player in college football in the United States whose performance best                exhibits the pursuit of excellence with integrity. Winners epitomize great ability combined with          diligence, perseverance, and hard work." 

Football schmootball, if you want to see a determined individual who is in the pursuit of excellence look at everyone saying no to sugar #dedication. A challenge I pass along is to find your own Heisman. Remember a reward does not have to cost a dime - hint, look in your closet. It is that outfit you skip every time you skim your outfit choices because it does not fit or because you wish it fit better. Pull it out, try it on and notice the areas that make you uncomfortable (I took pictures to remind myself) then hang the outfit in clear view. Over the next few weeks of diet changes try it on several times and you will begin to notice subtle differences; it may zip an extra 1/2 inch, you can finally put hair up without cranking your body so you do not rip a shirt, I noticed that my shift dresses hung more-so than clung. I have this glorious silk print shirt that has never been comfortable, but its glorious so of course I wear it, after 21 days I was able to wear it and move my arms enough so that I could put my hair up (someone out there knows what I am talking about - arms too tight to raise up above hip level) Removing sugar from your diet means these changes are 100% happening. I did not change my workout routine I only altered my eating habits. I am happier than I have ever been without sugar, who woulda thunk!?

Laughter always helps when dealing with a reality you rather not face... #BreakUpNote

Oh, where do I begin? Honey, you are the greatest. You're more than great, you are delicious. We have been a part of each others lives for 20 years. Together we have had some good times, breakfast biscuits at Grand's house, in London when we met for every single cup of tea, oh remember last year when we went out with peanut butter and cinnamon raisin bagels all. of. the. time... good times good times. But I cannot be the person I am meant to be when you are around. We both know it and have been avoiding this moment, but the time has come. It's not you, its me. We need to breakup.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Second Week

Halfway through week two! This week I have been mindful of replacing sugary snacks with little bites of goodness each packed with fat and or protein. Fat you say? Yes! I learned something new (love learning new things): fat does not actually make you fat... who knew!? I always thought of it like this; if you fill a cup with blueberries you have a full cup of blueberries so if you fill your body with fat you have a fat body.  Incorrect my dear! Fat, unlike sugar, awakens hormones that tell our brain we are getting full and to turn off that hunger switch (read: hunger stops. eating stops. consuming empty extra calories stops).

Swooning over these snacks: roasted almonds dusted with pure cocoa powder, nut butter on rice cakes, 100% greek yogurt with cinnamon sprinkled on top, bits of cheese, La Croix sparkling water, homemade popcorn, and anything dipped in this...

Best Fat Fact from I Quit Sugar: "I eat full-fat dairy... When fat is taken out, a lot of enzymes that help break down lactose are also taken out. I found that when I swapped to full-fat milk, I had no dairy-based digestion problems." Can I get a hallelujah!?

Initially, I was not planning on rewarding myself at the end of every week, but why not?  Truthfully, everyday has been a bit of a reward, noticing subtle changes in the slimming of my face, shoulders, and interestingly enough better sleep  - but purchasing a little something lovely never hurts :) This week I am going to choose a piece or two from the 250-piece Lilly for Target collection! Set your alarms the sale goes live on the 19th!

For the Home

For the Closet

Gifts under $50

#treatyoself :)

with love, kate

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Reward System

Give me a goal! GOAL Give me a credit card! CARD. what does that spell... REWARD (read: one dress one size too tight)

I am a believer in positive reinforcement and a lover of pretty things. Sometimes pretty things are out of stock in your size and you have to turn what could be a misfortune into a reward outfit.  I just could not pass it up - y'all it has a pineapple as a zipper! While I am making excuses for the purchase one quick swipe of the card and two problems were instantaneously solved two issues; a lovely incentive for sticking with the sugar detox was created and an outfit for Foxfield, which is now only 2 weeks away :) 

I took some pictures in this dress on Saturday with sole the intention of creating and posting a before & after. Personally, I am pretty excited to have a visual so I can see how 14 days without sugar looks on me. I have also prepared myself for the fact it most likely will not be the miraculous before/after that pops up on zillions of inspiration boards but I think we should get into the habit of celebrating our successes, big and small!  It is all too easy to shift to self-deprecating thoughts when we compare our results to others results.  

One of my favorite yoga teachers always opened class with this quote by Buddha "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."  How amazingly simple is that? It is a shame we do not live in a perfect world, wouldn't it be so wonderfully refreshing to think happy thoughts about ourselves when we looked in the mirror or think happy thoughts when we see someone walking past with something we would love to have hanging on our shoulder cough cough LV Speedy #guilty. I am going to try my hardest to practice this mindfulness, even if I catch just one negative thought and turn it around that is one additional minute of my life that I am happy.

Personal goals for this week: Mindful happiness and mindful eating :)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The First Week

My willpower is on fire, it has been less than a week - I do not care I am ready to toot my little horn (and say a genuine thank you prayer). I felt a bit silly celebrating the first two or three days of being sugar-free, but now that I am one day away from completing an entire week I feel so empowered! I am one-eighth of the way through the eight week detox! Here is what I have learned over the past week.

Everything has sugar
...which is highly upsetting. I treated myself to a long Easter weekend visiting friends and family in SC. It is a lovely 5.5 hour drive, it goes by quickly thanks to audible. I have been trekking up and down I-95 with a mega bag of chocolate and caramel trail mix and a G2 Tropical Blend with the occasional baked good from Starbucks for the past two years. I made a conscious effort to avoid the obvious sources of sugar and read nutrition labels (read: looked at number of servings, total calories, and carbs). This time, the first time I looked at ingredients and found a form of fructose in everything. Here are the healthy options for your next road trip! Also, I suggest stopping at a larger travel center or truck stop (use your digression - profiling is perfectly acceptable when traveling solo), they have a larger snack selection, vs a small Shell or Exxon station.

Don't stress the little things
We all know that quitting cold turkey will most likely lead to devastating binges. Sarah says "We're not going to cut out all sugar straightaway... My theory is that humans respond badly to outright bans.... The takeaway being "The less sugar in your system before you enter week 2, the easier it will be." This week I practiced mindful eating, avoiding sugar as much as possible, but not completely eliminating it. Since this is not a crash diet and I am developing life long habits, I did not stress myself out by completely avoiding sugar. I enjoyed a margarita at the Nats game and had a glorious brunch at Sixth Engine with vising friend. I was tempted to feel guilty but realized I was actually so proud of myself, I was finally in control. Sure I was consuming sugar but I was not berating myself for the indulgence and I knew this one meal was not going to derail the detox.  And, it didnt! Success!

Water and sleep are my best friends
Seriously I would follow them on instagram if I could - water helps stave off cravings and being well rested gives you strength to brush off that little sugar cube whispering in your ear reminding you that right now Reese's Peanut Butter Easter Eggs are 75% off at CVS.    

I. have. got. to. start. cooking. meals.
Not having prepared meals has been the biggest struggle this week. I am relying on prepackaged goods from Whole Foods (which are glorious and lifesavers) but I need variety. A girl can only choke down so many cups fresh green beans in one week.  I am preparing a grocery list right now, which I will post soon and let you know how the recipes turn out :)

Best tips from I Quit Sugar
She has an amazing "Getting Equipped" section that helps you build a healthy pantry and beautifully stocked freezer.
"When I talk about quitting sugar, I'm talking about quitting fructose. - Every molecule we put in our mouths has corresponding appetite hormones... Every molecule, that is, except fructose... fructose has no "full switch"."

with love, kate

P.S. Shoutout to myself!! I have not had honey in 6 days. I used to put delicious organic pure honey on everything (read: everything from coffee and cereal to veggie patties, sweetpotates, even raw vegetables) It is important to celebrate the successes big and small! 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Cookbook

To be more specific, the first cookbook I have ever purchased (other than ornamental cookbooks that are stacked beautifully in my kitchen, in mint condition). The who, what, where, when, and why I broke this 25 year streak. (spoiler alert: because my fat dress no longer fits.)

First. Who does this?
Me, I am a health fanatic, with a very large sweet tooth. These two characteristics combined make me an average healthy person - currently with a slightly above average amount of self-consciousness. I work out 5 or 6 days a week, shop at Whole Foods, drink plenty of water, but casually indulge on Reese's peanut butter eggs and or Gelato. I want my hard work at the studios to finally pay off! I am looking forward to celebrating the summertime, confidently!

What I plan to do.
A change must occur, as previously mentioned I lead a fairly healthy lifestyle, but my all too familiar weakness/addiction is sugar. It is my gateway drug into mindless binging (both carbs and netflix). I am going to follow the 8 week guide laid out in Sarah Wilson's "I Quit Sugar." Which I will admit seemed expensive and daunting as I am no chef, really, I am positive most 12 yr olds could out cook me, but after skimming this book I found the tips very practical and recipes with repeating techniques and ingredients. I am so excited to wake up and prove to myself that I have the willpower! I will be sugar-free by June 1st 2015!

Where I was standing when I realized I needed this book
Whole Foods, last Sunday, family size strawberry cheesecake in hand. It all began with the best of intentions; I decided to search Pinterest for sugar-free recipes; instantly my computer screen was covered in all baked and delicious goods the world has to offer. I clicked on Meyer Lemon Bars (because who is strong enough to resist) from there it was a whirlwind of related pins No Bake Cheesecake Bars w/ Blueberries, lead to S'more Cheesecake, which inevitably lead to this delicious looking ice cream and before I knew it I was in route to the ice cream isle. This type of behavior is concerning because It is basically bathing suit season - moments of weakness like this cannot become a regular Sunday afternoon activity. To eliminate another Pinterest black hole - I purchased a book, not an e-book not an audio book but a physical book that will hold my complete attention. I have made a plan and I am going to commit to this brilliant plan.

When will the no-sugar lifestyle begin?
If not now, when? No better time than the present! The secret to getting ahead is getting started! A year from now you will wish you had started today! I could go on...

Why no sugar... why not low carb?
I have tried low carb and it worked, to a certain extent.  After researching the side effects of sugar and I have determined that is the true culprit of my the waistline expansion.  This may not be the answer to all of my hopes and dreams but it is definitely worth giving a try.  I cannot wait to report on the progress!

WIth love, Kate

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The First

Hello April! 

I cannot believe how quickly this year is flying by!  It has been a whirlwind of a year, changes and challenges I was not anticipating have allowed me the opportunity to, as a dear friend put it, form a relationship with myself.

Dreams have been dreamed now it is time for goals to be set and missions accomplished. Aren't beginnings are always so exciting and inspiring - fantastic news, today is the start of a new month. This month I am going to treat myself to happiness. I am at my happiest when I feel strong, clear, and surrounded by friends or family.  I have been making excuses and causing my own self misery, that stops today. I am as strong and as happy as I allow myself to be. 

Prove Yourself Wrong, 24 Fitness Mantras More Motivating Than Tony Horton on Crack

February was a rough month and I had an emotional hangover and celebrated in March with a month long pity party. I was on autopilot; wake, eat a boring breakfast, go to work, sit all day, leave, maybe attend a hh, work out, come home, skip dinner, sleep, and repeat. This left me feeling completely drained and I did not even recognize myself. I am a bubbly optimistic person by nature, I am positive that with a few routine tweaks I will be happy, healthy, and balanced. 

My continual mantra (I love these two equally and cannot choose!): "I am worth keeping a promise to." and "I am worthy of the very best in life, and now I lovingly allow myself to accept it."

I am especially enthusiastic for the month of April.  My goals are to maintain happiness and health. 

I will achieve this new level of amazingness by being present, letting go of what does not serve me and my goals, and preparing lunches, just like being aware of what type of gas I put in my car I want to be aware and cautious of how I am fueling my body... A step in the right direction, a holistic life!  

Roald Dahl, The Twits | 15 Wonderful Quotes About Life From Children's Books
Here's to a beautiful new month!

With Love, Kate