To be more specific, the first cookbook I have ever purchased (other than ornamental cookbooks that are stacked beautifully in my kitchen, in mint condition). The who, what, where, when, and why I broke this 25 year streak. (spoiler alert: because my fat dress no longer fits.)
First. Who does this?
Me, I am a health fanatic, with a very large sweet tooth. These two characteristics combined make me an average healthy person - currently with a slightly above average amount of self-consciousness. I work out 5 or 6 days a week, shop at Whole Foods, drink plenty of water, but casually indulge on Reese's peanut butter eggs and or Gelato. I want my hard work at the studios to finally pay off! I am looking forward to celebrating the summertime, confidently!
What I plan to do.
A change must occur, as previously mentioned I lead a fairly healthy lifestyle, but my all too familiar weakness/addiction is sugar. It is my gateway drug into mindless binging (both carbs and netflix). I am going to follow the 8 week guide laid out in Sarah Wilson's "I Quit Sugar." Which I will admit seemed expensive and daunting as I am no chef, really, I am positive most 12 yr olds could out cook me, but after skimming this book I found the tips very practical and recipes with repeating techniques and ingredients. I am so excited to wake up and prove to myself that I have the willpower! I will be sugar-free by June 1st 2015!
Where I was standing when I realized I needed this book
Whole Foods, last Sunday, family size strawberry cheesecake in hand. It all began with the best of intentions; I decided to search Pinterest for sugar-free recipes; instantly my computer screen was covered in all baked and delicious goods the world has to offer. I clicked on Meyer Lemon Bars (because who is strong enough to resist) from there it was a whirlwind of related pins No Bake Cheesecake Bars w/ Blueberries, lead to S'more Cheesecake, which inevitably lead to this delicious looking ice cream and before I knew it I was in route to the ice cream isle. This type of behavior is concerning because It is basically bathing suit season - moments of weakness like this cannot become a regular Sunday afternoon activity. To eliminate another Pinterest black hole - I purchased a book, not an e-book not an audio book but a physical book that will hold my complete attention. I have made a plan and I am going to commit to this brilliant plan.
When will the no-sugar lifestyle begin?
If not now, when? No better time than the present! The secret to getting ahead is getting started! A year from now you will wish you had started today! I could go on...
Why no sugar... why not low carb?
I have tried low carb and it worked, to a certain extent. After researching the side effects of sugar and I have determined that is the true culprit of my the waistline expansion. This may not be the answer to all of my hopes and dreams but it is definitely worth giving a try. I cannot wait to report on the progress!
WIth love, Kate
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